AirGateway GmbH.

Let me introduce my recently founded new venture, AirGateway GmbH, a B2B company focused on enabling a new distribution model in the air retail industry.
This new model comes served by IATA and its API standard called NDC (New Distribution Capability). NDC is called to revamp the whole air travel retail industry, by challenging specially the dominating and pseudo-monopolistic role of GDSs during the last decades.


We are a proud engineering company, and our products will make a faster and lower-cost landing in the new model for our customers. Our first and core product will be a full-NDC aggregation gateway.

Stay tuned to our company’s Blog, or follow us on Twitter or AngelList.

10th Ancillary Merchandising Conference


My views from the 10th Ancillary Merchandising Conference in regarding NDC deployment progress are, that given the industry dynamics and the lack of expertise of the airlines when it comes to huge-traffic APIs, NDC players would have to wait for big IT providers such as Farelogix and Datalex to provide NDC-enabled APIs for the big-named airlines to see real cases of the NDC distribution model on production.
This said, both IT providers are expected to do so before the end of the current year which is a reasonable time margin to get ready for NDC.

The current status of NDC

A recently released report by IATA throws this representative graph on the adoption tempo of the NDC (New Distribution Capability) standard by the airlines.


Let’s hope 2016 makes this numbers small for the sake of airlines distribution modernization.

NDC Syntax Validator

Taking advantage of my learnings on the NDC (New Distribution Capability) standard I’ve developed a simple tool to validate XML Messages against IATA’s NDC schemas.

NDC_Syntax_Validator_-_Sample_AirShoppingCheck it out here NDC Syntax Validator


This tool has been released under the scope of the OpenNDC initiative, troche an OpenSource organization focused on developing open-source software to facilitate the adoption of the NDC standard by the developers.

Any feedback or contributions will be very welcome.

T-Hack Hamburg

I’ve been invited by Gene Quinn (CEO @ Tnooz) to participate as a judge in the first worldwide NDC-based Hackathon, thumb happening in Hamburg this upcoming weekend.


After spending some months learning on the Air industry and very particularly focused on the NDC (New Distrubution Capability) standard, I’m excited to see first early-stage ideas that the blooming technology can bring into an industry which is very in the mood to be revamped from it’s roots, as we have seen along this year.

The Hackathon will be continued along the week by the IATA WPS, where the resulting ideas from the THack will be for sure a hot topic in the event’s conversation.

