NDC Syntax Validator

Taking advantage of my learnings on the NDC (New Distribution Capability) standard I’ve developed a simple tool to validate XML Messages against IATA’s NDC schemas.

NDC_Syntax_Validator_-_Sample_AirShoppingCheck it out here NDC Syntax Validator


This tool has been released under the scope of the OpenNDC initiative, troche an OpenSource organization focused on developing open-source software to facilitate the adoption of the NDC standard by the developers.

Any feedback or contributions will be very welcome.

Grape API Skeleton

I’ve published a very simple and lightweight Rack-based Grape API skeleton with Swagger autodocs that can be used as an starting point for a SOA-friendly approach architecture.
It can bring a base restful API in 1 minute with autodocs out of the box. I hope it’s useful to someone.

You can see the code here and the Heroku-hosted demo here.

And this is a brief list of sample endpoints.
